Donna Lee Frank, a beloved mother and grandmother, passed away on September 22, 2024, leaving behind a legacy of love and cherished memories. She will be remembered for her deep love for her family, including her son, Eric, and her grandchild, Madison.
Her passing was announced on social media, where many expressed their condolences. Melanie J. Frank shared heartfelt words, saying, "Donna Lee Frank passed away, September 22, 2024, and is at peace. I will forever be grateful to her for giving me, her son, Eric, and for loving her grandkid, Madison. In the best of times, she was the mother I needed." She also mentioned that Donna and her late husband, Jerry, will be inurned together at Beaufort National Cemetery with military honors at a later date.
Friends and family offered their sympathies. "Sending healing prayers to your family," wrote Anne Selner, while Paula Loves-Robinson expressed, "So sorry for your loss, sending our thoughts and prayers to you and the family."
Donna Lee Frank’s passing has touched the hearts of many, and she will be remembered fondly by those who knew and loved her.