Stacy Stavrou Letson, a cherished resident of Kavouri, Greece, passed away unexpectedly on Friday, September 20, 2024, shortly after a routine medical procedure that tragically went wrong. The sudden loss of Letson, who was described as a dear friend to many and the daughter of the renowned Greek-American singer Eva Styl, has left the community in shock and mourning.
Connie Papavasiliou, a close friend, announced the heartbreaking news on social media, expressing the deep sorrow felt by all who knew Stacy. "With a heavy heart I announce the passing of our beloved Kavouri resident and dearest friend, Stacy Stavrou Letson," Papavasiliou shared in a public post. Funeral details are expected to follow soon.
The news has sparked an outpouring of grief from friends and community members. Paola Isabella Bruno commented, “Connie mou this is devastating news. Simply tragic. No words can console Stacy’s family." Julie Kelley added, “Oh, so sorry to hear this.”
Stacy’s passing has undoubtedly left a void in the hearts of many in the Kavouri and wider Vouliagméni community, with tributes continuing to flood social media platforms.